Why Take A Remote Internship in 2020?

If you are a student wanting to spend your lockdown days usefully by gaining work experience, then there are many opportunities if you consider working online as a remote intern. With COVID-19 continuing its spread in 2020, many organisations have opted to work remotely, and this also allows students to get a remote internship as well. The opportunities to work virtually and also gets you paid helps you keep yourself busy during lockdown at the same time gives you the benefit of work experience. So with this remote internship, you would be working from home or a secure place, where you use the internet and complete your work every day with the use of your laptop.

Global Citizenship

A remote internship does not require you to travel to your working space. Thus companies across the globe can employ as an intern, and you get this unique opportunity to work remotely to any company from around the world. The remote internship would include your impacts on your weekly schedule, supervisor meeting, teammate discussion and completing projects assigned to you, all of which are carried out in a remote fashion. You may be expected to show up for meeting at strange times, work with all new people from different cultures and backgrounds.

Digital Literacy

Working through a remote internship not only gives you the option to work for different companies,  but also different positions and focusing on your learning and experience. There is less focus on the travel time and finances involving the travel; the only things you need for staying connected to an international company is a laptop and the internet. As many companies have realised the value and saving they can make from remote working styles during this pandemic lockdown, remote internship opportunities push you to pick up new digital skills your industry may be expecting and react favourably towards. You would be able to add this as a skill you gained to your resume, where you can project work focus irrespective of your presence or absence at a traditional working space. You can show your future recruiters that you were focused and disciplined to set a goal and achieve it, inside of the distractions possible at home.

Flexibility: In Your Own Time

Having the option to work remotely, at flexible hours makes you more productive and does not require you to stick to timelines of the day. You would only have to worry about the project deadlines and would be able to achieve it, with the necessary means. Thus by working on projects more effectively in a productive way, you would be able to define your internship experience to be a platform of your career to your future employer.

Great For Your Wallet

Although we all love travelling, snacking and team outings, some things you may think you’d miss with a remote internship. But by working remotely, you actually have more freedom to do those things and can organise yourself some activities that you are personally interested in. On the other hand, if you don’t organise and participate in these optional activities, adding up these trips and expenses would have saved a lot more than you expected. So there is no traffic, no pollution, no unexpected costs during the remote internship phase, as you would be focusing only on your work and investing on your personal experience to build a career over it. This also great for if you are looking for an unpaid internship, you don’t have to worry as much about budgeting.

Expansive Network

Remote internships also help you gain a network of global companies, depending on how many you do, of course; thus, your internship experience shall speak for itself and makes you the most suitable candidate when listing yourself for jobs. Similar to a traditional internship, a remote internship also nurtures you to face the professional world and gives you the learning experience you need.

Lastly, just a friendly reminder to our dear readers to stay at home if possible, we’ve been advised by data from as early back in March that we need to collectively keep our distances, and we should continue to do our best to stay social and active through online platforms.

Copyright ThaiJinYeGroup 2024
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